Monday, March 23, 2015

Day 29 of My Lenten Journey

29.  The Quick Fix

My most common desire of a quick fix is usually associated with my weight.  I LOVE to eat and drink.  But it is a daily struggle of watching what I eat and working out.  It takes hard work and time, but when my weight does go up, I want it gone.  And, I want it gone fast. Some remedies (cleanses, extreme diets, etc.) work for short amount of time.   But, it can't be sustained.  It's just a temporary, quick fix without lasting results.   Rarely does true transformation happen in 21 days or even overnight.   It takes discipline, which at its root word means to learn.

I recently read a Beth Moore article where she states, "Any kind of compulsive behavior represents an internal need for control. Anything that continues to make us feel shame or like we are less than we are in Christ, anything that steals our dignity in Christ is a stronghold that we need to be free of."  God is not a drive through window offering up Spirit-filled lives and quick fixes and answers to problems.  

God doesn't specifically speak of being over weight in the Bible, but he does talk about how he wants me to be transformed each day to be more and more like Him in my heart.   This is not a quick fix, but a slow transformation over time.

And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his image with ever increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.  2 Corinthians 3:18

We must trust God and be his disciple.  There is no magic wand or quick fix.  We need to seek his will and live with endurance in obedience to him and we will be transformed to be more like him over time.  

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