Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Big Milestones

I know what you are thinking...."Two posts in two weeks!"  Don't get too excited.  We will see how long this lasts.  But, the past two days were too big not to mention.

Yesterday, Cavett headed off to his first day of second grade.

He was a bit timid about the day to start off. So I let him know. I LOVED 2nd grade. I LOVED my teacher, Mrs. Stinson. I LOVED making my new best friend for life, Sarah Grace. I had great kids in my class. I just knew that Cavett would have the same experience. We filled him with homemade Cinnamon Raisin Bread made into French Toast and made it to school without a hitch.

At the end of the day, when I picked him up, the first response was, "All we did today was learned the rules."  After a bit of coaxing with frest baked chocolate chip cookies, we learned he has a new best friend, Tyler Douglas whom he sits next to.

 He did a bar graph learning about how students got home: car riders, bus riders, walkers, day care.  They organized their school supplies.  But, recess was still the best part of the day.  And, oh, Miss Horton is pretty nice and she is engaged, so her name might change at some point this year. 

All in all, a good start to the year.

Today however left us with some challenges.  Luckily, I was up when Stephen was and prepped for Kendrick's Big 5th Birthday.  He awoke to 5 balloons in his room and a big banner and presents in the living room.

It was "Yes Day" for him which means that he can ask any reasonable question and the answer will be YES! But, before that was to begin we had to get Cavett to school. Unfortunately, I had a dead battery in my car. Fortunately though, I called a dear friend and she swung by and picked him up just in the nick of time! 

Kendrick's fun day began by asking for Max's Donuts for breakfast.  (For you Shreveporters, these rival Southern Maid.  Best in Allen, TX)  He ordered two chocolate with sprinkles and a chocolate milk, while I had my protein bar...he ended up only eating one. 

A present was what he wanted next but Dad wanted to be there, so we took one present to his office and opened it there.  A new duffle bag for all his karate gear.

Next up was a playdate at the park meeting all his students in his new Transitional Kindergarten class.  I just couldn't see sending a 4 year old to public Kindergarten even if he was going to turn 5 the next day.  He's not ready anyway and I know I won't regret this choice.  His best bud, Luke was there who we will carpool with this year and we made a couple of new friends-Matthew, McKenna and Hank. 

Best Buddy, Luke
New Friends!
Lunch with Dad was requested at Chick-Fil-A with a Brownie Sundea to follow.  The eyes after all that excitement were looking weary, so I suggested a movie on my bed.  Looney Tunes were the choice of the afternoon.  No nap was taken, but the down time was needed. 
The afternoon entailed the usual-Karate lessons.
For dinner he chose "Peanuts Roadhouse," a.k.a. Texas Roadhouse in McKinney, but earlier in the day their had been a gas leak/explosion near the restaurant, so they were closed.  Luckily, we have another "peanut" place near us-Logan's Roadhouse.  Definitely not as good, but fit the bill.  We had fun dropping peanuts from our noses at targets, playing tic-tac-toe with peanuts and shells, and creating designs and pictures from them.  Who cares if he ate his Mac-N-Cheese?
After dinner we opened his other presents.  Clothes, a crazy fort building thing-a-ma-jig, and WALKIE TALKIES!
Truly, Kendrick's only request for "Yes Day" other than food was to stay up late and watch a movie.  So, wish granted, even though his brother cried himself to sleep.
Happy Birthday, to my baby.  I can't even believe it's been 5 years. 

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